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PREDM: Wesley's testimonial


Noom has helped Wesley make better food choices.

Wesley: Noom shows you how many calories you are really eating

Wesley joined the PREDM study to help other survivors and because he wanted to prevent diabetes. Here is what he had to say about being on the study:

“When I first started reading the lessons in Noom, I thought there was no way I was going to be able to do this. But I kept with it. The app has helped me manage portion sizes better. Noom taught me that I was eating a whole lot of calories. So, I have been cutting my calories down. I’m drinking water and unsweet tea. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the app when I’m busy such as when I’m working double shifts. Sometimes I forget. I am human. But for anyone who thinks they won’t be able to keep up, try it anyway. I’m in the study because I want to do anything I can to help with research. St. Jude has done so much for me.”

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