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This is a list of the more than 100 peer-reviewed, scientific journal articles and publications have been published from the St. Jude LIFE study. 

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  • Approach for classification and severity-grading of long-term and late-onset health events among childhood cancer survivors in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort


    Citation: 26(5):666-674

    Author(s): Hudson MM, Ehrhardt MJ, Bhakta N, Baassiri M, Eissa H, Chemaitilly W, Green DM, Mulrooney DA, Armstrong GT, Brinkman TM, Klosky JL, Krull KR, Sabin ND, Wilson CL, Huang IC, Bass JK, Hale K, Kaste S, Khan RB, Srivastava DK, Yasui Y, Joshi VM, Srinivasan S, Stokes D, Hoehn ME, Wilson M, Ness KK, Robison LL

    Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev

  • The cumulative burden of surviving childhood cancer: An initial report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study (SJLIFE)


    Citation: 390(10112):2569-2582

    Author(s): Bhakta N, Liu Q, Ness KK, Baassiri M, Eissa H, Yeo F, Chemaitilly W, Ehrhardt MJ, Bass J, Bishop MW, Shelton K, Lu L, Huang S, Li Z, Caron E, Lanctot J, Howell C, Folse T, Joshi V, Green DM, Mulrooney DA, Armstrong GT, Krull KR, Brinkman TM, Khan RB, Srivastava DK, Hudson MM, Yasui Y, Robison LL

    Journal: Lancet

  • Long-term functional outcomes and quality of life in adult survivors of childhood extremity sarcomas: a report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study


    Citation: 11(1):1-12

    Author(s): Fernandez-Pineda I, Hudson MM, Pappo AS, Bishop MW, Klosky JL, Brinkman TM, Srivastava DK, Neel MD, Rao BN, Davidoff AM, Krull KR, Robison LL, Ness KK

    Journal: J Cancer Surviv

  • Associations between treatment, scoliosis, pulmonary function, and physical performance in long-term survivors of sarcoma


    Citation: 11(5):553-561

    Author(s): Interiano RB, Kaste SC, Li C, Srivastava DK, Rao BN, Warner WC Jr, Green DM, Krasin MJ, Robison LL, Davidoff AM, Hudson MM, Fernandez-Pineda I, Ness KK

    Journal: J Cancer Surviv

  • T-type corrected-loss estimation for error-in-variable model


    Citation: 46(2):616-627

    Author(s): Jin J, Zhu L, Tong X, Ness KK

    Journal: Commun Stat Theory Methods