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This is a list of the more than 100 peer-reviewed, scientific journal articles and publications have been published from the St. Jude LIFE study. 

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  • Genetic risk for subsequent neoplasms among long-term survivors of childhood cancer


    Citation: 36(20):2078-2087

    Author(s): Wang Z, Wilson CL, Easton J, Thrasher A, Mulder H, Liu Q, Hedges DJ, Wang S, Rusch MC, Edmonson MN, Levy S, Lanctot JQ, Caron E, Shelton K, Currie K, Lear M, Patel A, Rosencrance C, Shao Y, Vadodaria B, Yergeau D, Sapkota Y, Brooke RJ, Moon W, Rampersaud E, Ma X, Chang TC, Rice SV, Pepper C, Zhou X, Chen X, Chen W, Jones A, Boone B, Ehrhardt MJ, Krasin MJ, Howell RM, Phillips NS, Lewis C, Srivastava D, Pui CH, Kesserwan CA, Wu G, Nichols KE, Downing JR, Hudson MM, Yasui Y, Robison LL, Zhang J

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Association of bacteremic sepsis with long-term neurocognitive dysfunction in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia


    Citation: 172(11):1092-1095

    Author(s): Cheung YT, Eskind A, Inaba H, Hudson MM, Pui CH, Krull KR, Wolf J

    Journal: JAMA Pediatr

  • Exercise right heart catheterization for pulmonary hypertension identified on screening echocardiography in adult survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort


    Citation: 65(1):e26769

    Author(s): Armstrong GT, Tole JJ, Piana R, Santucci A, Leathers J, Ness KK, Mulrooney DA, Green DM, Joshi, VM, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Lenihan D

    Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer

  • Erectile dysfunction in male survivors of childhood cancer


    Citation: 4(11):1613-1616

    Author(s): van Iersel L, Li Z, Chemaitilly W, Srivastava DK, Brinkman TM, Schover LR, Gleason J, Willard VW, Jacola LM, Green DM, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Ness KK, Sklar CA, van Santen HM, Klosky JL

    Journal: JAMA Oncol

  • Misclassification of self-reported smoking in adult survivors of childhood cancer


    Citation: 65(9):e27240

    Author(s): Huang IC, Klosky JL, Young CM, Murphy SE, Krull KR, Srivastava DK, Hudson MM, Robison LL

    Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer