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This is a list of the more than 100 peer-reviewed, scientific journal articles and publications have been published from the St. Jude LIFE study. 

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  • Physical fitness in survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort


    Citation: 66(3):e27506

    Author(s): Wogksch MD, Howell CR, Wilson CL, Partin RE, Ehrhardt MJ, Krull KR, Brinkman TM, Mulrooney DA, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Ness KK

    Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer

  • Prediction of low and very low bone mineral density among adult survivors of childhood cancer


    Citation: 37(25):2217-2225

    Author(s): van Atteveld JE, Pluijm SMF, Ness KK, Hudson MM, Chemaitilly W, Kaste SC, Robison LL, Neggers SJCMM, Yasui Y, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Wilson CL

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Leydig cell function in male survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study


    Citation: 37(32):3018-3031

    Author(s): Chemaitilly W, Liu Q, van Iersel L, Ness KK, Li Z, Wilson CL, Brinkman TM, Klosky JL, Barnes N, Clark KL, Howell RM, Smith SA, Krasin MJ, Metzger ML, Armstrong GT, Bishop MW, van Santen HM, Pui CH, Srivastava DK, Yasui Y, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Green DM, Sklar CA

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Posttraumatic stress-related psychological functioning in adult survivors of childhood cancer


    Citation: 12(2):216-223

    Author(s): Allen J, Willard VW, Klosky JL, Li C, Srivastava DK, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Phipps S

    Journal: J Cancer Surviv

  • The role of body image dissatisfaction in the association between treatment-related scarring or disfigurement and psychological distress in adult survivors of childhood cancer


    Citation: 27(1):216-222

    Author(s): Vuotto SC, Ojha RP, Li C, Kimberg C, Klosky JL, Krull KR, Srivastava DK, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Brinkman TM

    Journal: Psychooncology