Subsequent breast cancer in female childhood cancer survivors in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study (SJLIFE)
Citation: 37(19):1647-1656
Author(s): Ehrhardt MJ, Howell CR, Hale K, Baassiri MJ, Rodriguez C, Wilson CL, Joshi SS, Lemond TC, Shope S, Howell RM, Wang Z, Srivastava D, Mulrooney DA, Zhang J, Robison LL, Ness KK, Hudson MM
Journal: J Clin Oncol
Brain activity associated with attention deficits following chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Citation: 111(2):201-209
Author(s): Fellah S, Cheung YT, Scoggins MA, Zou P, Sabin ND, Pui CH, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Ogg RJ, Krull KR
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst
Growth hormone deficiency and neurocognitive function in adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Citation: 125(10):1748-1755
Author(s): Krull KR, Li C, Phillips NS, Cheung YT, Brinkman TM, Wilson CL, Armstrong GT, Khan RB, Merchant TE, Sabin ND, Srivastava D, Pui CH, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Sklar CA, Chemaitilly W
Journal: Cancer
Genome-wide association study in irradiated childhood cancer survivors identifies HTR2A for subsequent basal cell carcinoma
Citation: 139(9):2042-2045
Author(s): Sapkota Y, Turcotte LM, Ehrhardt MJ, Howell RM, Arnold MA, Wilson CL, Leisenring W, Wang Z, Sampson J, Dagnall CL, Karlins E, Li SA, Hicks BD, Weathers R, Smith SA, Shelton K, Liu Q, Tucker MA, Chanock SJ, Zhang J, Hudson MM, Neglia JP, Armstrong GT, Robison LL, Morton LM, Bhatia S, Yasui Y
Journal: J Invest Dermatol
Determinants and consequences of financial hardship among adult survivors of childhood cancer: A report from St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study
Citation: 111(2):189-200
Author(s): Huang IC, Bhakta N, Brinkman TM, Klosky JL, Krull KR, Srivastava DK, Hudson MM, Robison LL
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst