Diabetes mellitus among adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A report from the St. Jude lifetime cohort study
Citation: 126(4):870-878
Author(s): Williams HE, Howell CR, Chemaitilly W, Wilson CL, Karol SE, Nolan VG, Smeltzer MP, Green DM, Ehrhardt MJ, Mulrooney DA, Pui CH, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Ness KK
Journal: Cancer
Whole-genome sequencing of childhood cancer survivors treated with cranial radiation therapy identifies 5p15 33 locus for stroke: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort study
Citation: 15;25(22):6700-6708
Author(s): Sapkota Y, Cheung YT, Moon W, Shelton K, Wilson CL, Wang Z, Mulrooney DA, Zhang J, Armstrong GT, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Krull KR, Yasui Y
Journal: Clin Cancer Res
Influence of genetic factors on long-term treatment related neurocognitive complications, and on anxiety and depression in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: The Petale study
Citation: 14(6):e0217314
Author(s): Petrykey K, Lippé S, Robaey P, Sultan S, Laniel J, Drouin S, Bertout L, Beaulieu P, St-Onge P, Boulet-Craig A, Rezgui A, Yasui Y, Sapkota Y, Krull KR, Hudson MM, Laverdière C, Sinnett D, Krajinovic M
Journal: PLoS One
The changing burden of long-term health outcomes in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A retrospective analysis of the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study
Citation: 6(6):e306-e316
Author(s): Mulrooney DA, Hyun G, Ness KK, Bhakta N, Pui CH, Ehrhardt MJ, Krull KR, Crom DB, Chemaitilly W, Srivastava DK, Relling MV, Jeha S, Green DM, Yasui Y, Robison LL, Hudson MM
Journal: Lancet Haematol
Hypothalamic-pituitary disorders in childhood cancer survivors: Prevalence, risk factors and long-term health outcomes
Citation: 104(12):6101-6115
Author(s): van Iersel L, Li Z, Srivastava DK, Brinkman TM, Bjornard KL, Wilson CL, Green DM, Merchant TE, Pui CH, Howell RM, Smith SA, Armstrong GT, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Ness KK, Gajjar A, Krull KR, Sklar CA, van Santen HM, Chemaitilly W
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab