Exercise Intolerance, mortality, and organ system impairment in adult survivors of childhood cancer
Citation: 38(1):29-42
Author(s): Ness KK, Plana JC, Joshi VM, Luepker RV, Durand JB, Green DM, Partin RE, Santucci AK, Howell RM, Srivastava DK, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Armstrong GT
Journal: J Clin Oncol
Physical fitness and neurocognitive outcomes in adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime cohort
Citation: 126(3):640-648
Author(s): Phillips NS, Howell CR, Lanctot JQ, Partin RE, Pui CH, Hudson MM, Robison LL, Krull KR, Ness KK
Journal: Cancer
Association of hearing impairment with neurocognition in survivors of childhood cancer
Citation: 6(9):1363-1371
Author(s): Bass JK, Liu W, Banerjee P, Brinkman TM, Mulrooney DA, Gajjar A, Pappo AS, Merchant TE, Armstrong GT, Srivastava D, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Krull KR
Journal: JAMA Oncol
Suicidality among adult survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study
Citation: 126(24):5347-5355
Author(s): Lubas MM, Mirzaei Salehabadi S, Lavecchia J, Alberts NM, Krull KR, Ehrhardt MJ, Srivastava D, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Brinkman TM
Journal: Cancer
Neuroanatomical abnormalities related to dexamethasone exposure in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Citation: 67(3):e27968
Author(s): Phillips NS, Cheung YT, Glass JO, Scoggins MA, Liu W, Ogg RJ, Mulrooney DA, Pui CH, Robison LL, Reddick WE, Hudson MM, Krull KR
Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer